Sunday 23 December 2012

Memory Keeper Necklace

One of the crafty things I do is make jewelery. This year I was having problems figuring out what to get Caitlin for Christmas and during a trip to Michaels it dawned on me to make her a little memory keeper necklace featuring her niece! I am sorry I don't have a tutorial for this necklace, but it is really hard to photograph the steps on how curl wire, make the letter charms, etc. If you know the basics on how to create jewelery it would be very simple to figure out what I did based on the pictures :)

 One side of the necklace has a picture of Cait and her niece and the other side has a picture of two birds on a wire. I did this in case she didn't want to show her whole classroom (she is a teacher) a pic of her and her niece. Also, it is good to have options. The C and M charms I made out of Sculpey and I love how they turned out! All supplies for the necklace can be found at Michaels.

 Here is a pic of the necklace on Caitlin. SHE LOVED IT! 

The necklace is a great way to wear a memory! The best thing about it, is that you can even open the frame and change the pictures. 

Thank-you for reading!



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