I still haven't finished painting my craft/guest room. It seems to be taking forever!! We painted the trim an I'm not sure why I even bothered taping it because it bled and now I have purple paint on my grey/blue walls :(. I am going to spend tomorrow touching up all the places it bled, but all this made me realize that even though I can paint a canvas I am useless at painting walls. Oh well... it will eventually be done; I just have to keep working at it until it is right. Anyways, I'm sure many of you can relate to having ugly, mismatched, or broken light/plug covers that don't match your room. I was going to buy new ones for the room, but OH MY GOODNESS nice ones are expensive! I decided to just revamp the existing ones, with a
glitter tutorial I saw on pinterest. Okay... lets get started!
This is what the covers looked like before......ewwwww eh?
This is the finished product, so nice and pretty and sparkly!
Supplies you will need:
- Mod Podge: I started off with Matte for the first 4 coats and then for the last two used a gloss, you can use gloss the whole time to save on buying two different types. I got mine at Michaels for $14.99 for a 473 ML bottle.
- Sparkles/glitter: The one I used was a extra fine glitter made by Recollections and the colour is called Muse. I bought it at Michaels and it was $6.99 for a 1.5 oz bottle. I used probably 15% of the bottle for all 4 covers, so you can get away with buying a smaller bottle of glitter. Also you don't have to use extra fine glitter you can use bigger glitter, little moons or stars, hex glitter or even bar glitter on your covers. It really depends on who you are creating them for. I went for the extra fine because it is a more sophisticated look; if it was for a kids room I would have mixed it up with different glitters.
- Foam brushes
- A Piece of Scrap Book Paper: A colour that is close to the glitter you will be using. You can completely skip the scrap book paper covering if all your covers are the same colour. I used the paper to cover up a crack in one of the covers and because they were so many different colours.
- Scissors
- Patience
First cut the scrap book paper a little bigger than your cover and cut out the holes for the plug or light switch.
Then cut diagonal slits in the corners of the paper, basically you are cutting them in the corners until you meet the corner of the cover. Then use the mod podge and and foam brush and put a generous amount of it on the top of the cover and line up the paper smoothing it down. Then turn the cover around and glue one of the sides down.
Then glue another side down and hold them down until they stay on there own.
Then cut the extra parts off the ends, so the paper is flush with the bottom of the cover.
Then do the same for the other two sides by gluing, holding, and then cutting off the excess.
Then use a pen to poke holes where the screws go. As you can see in the pic there is some wrinkles in the paper, I used my debit card to carefully move the bubbles towards the middle of the cover until they released out the middle cut part.
I then mixed 1/4 cup of Mod Podge with 15% of the sparkles, this isn't an exact science. Use as much glitter as you like. In the future I would put more in, because it took me 6 coats to get it opaque. I am assuming the more glitter you use the less coats you will need. Anyways, make sure you let the Mod Podge dry completely before you put on another coat (about 15 minutes). Also, don't be afraid that it is cloudy when it is wet, it dries clear. :)
The last step is to put it back in your room!
There you go!! Now you can make your very own glitter light/plug covers!!!
Thank-you for reading!!